The last thing on the minds of most students is going back to school, but that is exactly what Texas Torque will do on Tuesday, June 4, from 3 to 6 pm. Summer is a great time to join the team. We are competing in the Texas Robotics Invitational June 28 – 29 and will spend the time between now and then getting our Johnson Division winning robot Takeoff ready. Not only will new members start learning how to design and build robots over the summer, but we are hosting a summer robotics camp for younger kids and can always use more help.
For more information about joining the team, go to our website and click on the Join Us. Not everything has been updated from this past season but there is a link that will let you register with the team and get on our mailing list. Also on the website is a link to our team calendar so you can see when we are meeting. We usually meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the summer. Just drop in and we can get you started with the team.