Texas Torque at the Bayou Regional

16 students from Texas Torque traveled to The Big Easy this past weekend to compete at the Bayou regional competition. At the end of qualifying matches, 1477 was seeded seventh out of 54 teams. Proving we can still push ourselves further as a team, we scored a total of 336 points in teleoperated mode- a massive improvement from the Lonestar Regional only two weeks earlier. As an alliance captain, Torque chose 456 Siege Robotics and 442 Redstone Robotics as our partners. We played competitively in the elimination rounds but were eventually eliminated in the second round of semifinals. However, we were excited to leave New Orleans with the Industrial Design award sponsored by General Motors.

2013 Season- Week 6 Update

We have been very productive so far in this build season. We have several prototypes we are considering for the final design including intake, shooter, and a climbing mechanism. We have completed the CAD of the field as well as the construction of the practice field.  Intake has become a top priority for the CAD team. While the mechanical team works diligently on perfecting our shooting mechanism, the programming team configures tracking software. We’re hoping to have both Bravo and Charlie robots completely constructed by the end of the building season.


2013 FIRST Challenge

This year, the FIRST FRC challenge is titled Ultimate Ascent. “ULTIMATE ASCENT SM is played by two competing alliances on a flat, 27 x 54 foot field. Each Alliance consists of three robots, and they compete to score as many discs into their goals as they can during a two (2)-minute and fifteen (15)-second match. The higher the goal in which the disc is scored, the more points the Alliance receives” -FIRST Website. We are looking forward to the competition this year as we start to build our 2013 robot. The complete rules for this year’s challenge can be found at http://frc-manual.usfirst.org/viewItem/3. We hope to see fellow teams and supporters at our first competition, the Lonestar Regional.


IFI Becomes Texas Torque Sponsor

Innovation First International (IFI) donated their valuable products to Texas Torque. We would like to thank them for the various motors, gearboxes, wheels, and chain they have graciously given to us.  The total worth of the donated parts was over $3,000. IFI’s support is invaluable to us and we are extremely grateful for their contributions to Texas Torque this upcoming year.